Sunday, September 13, 2009


Something happened today, around 9.00... Something very funny...

When we finished BM exam, I went to SanSan's place,and she was talking to, erm, was it Sheela? Can't remember... Then, I asked her: "Eh, the crazy girl (Xiao Yii) isn't here yet?" Then, she suddenly appeared, then I told her: "Just talked about..."

SanSan and Michelle and Joey and Xiao Yii shouted: "Ah! Ah! (Not to be mistaken by the XXX sound, ok?)" Actually, Xiao Yii shouted the loudest, and when everyone settled down, she suddenly asked: "What is happening?" LOL...

What happened was, SanSan's jacket has a small tiny bug (almost as small as your fingernail)... And, she threw the jacket on the floor... I picked it up, and let the bug walked to Desmond's beg (Sorry, Desmond!). It was such a success to see the bug climb on Desmond's beg, until Lim Ee Chin just flicked it off to the teacher's table.

Then, Raymond started a joke: if the bug is on SanSan's jacket, what will happen if the bug is on her shirt? Will she take off her shirt? LOL...

Then, Raymond and I tricked lots of people... Xiao Yii reacted with the funniest reaction I ever saw... I just shouted: "Be carefull!" Then, she screamed till my eardrums hurt and ran out the classroom... Haha... She was quite furious, though...

Around 10.00, we all sat near the door... Raymond looked at Michelle... Then, Michelle used her jacket to cover her breast (Well, it just looks like, she was just pulling her jacket)...

Raymond: You think you have a breast?

Michelle got angry and chased him all over (actually, half) the school... Then, Raymond fooled SanSan in the same way too... And, ended up being the same...


Michelle: Haih, don't know why... When I was small last time, I used to look at my mum's (breast) and said I don't want to be like that, it is very ugly... But now, when I am criticised that I do not have one, I will feel disappointed...

Every-girls-body agreed... Then, Xiao Yii covered her breast with her jacket again... Then I fooled her too... Then she got very angry, but she did not hit me...

After that, I accidentally dropped my paper. I asked her to help me pick it up...

Xiao Yii: "Do I have one (breast)?"
Me: "Yes!"
Xiao Yii: "Big or not?"
Me: "Yes! Very big!"

Then we laughed... And, she picked up the paper...

Well, that is all for today...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


When I was getting down the car in Lintas Supermarket, my mum asked me if I got my medicine, and I replied: "Yeah, the durian is in the car." We laughed...

Well, I got this "exam fever" (38.8)... And, I just can't stand it and went to see the doctor... I brought my book (Life's Like That - Scenes from Malaysia Life) and there is one topic one durians in Malaysia... Then, outside the Lintas SUpermarket, there are some people selling durians... I really got mixed up...

After that, I got Xiao Yii's handphone number from SanSan... I sms-ed her, and she replied...

Nicholas: "Be careful! (referring to the joke in e.x.a.m.)
Xiao Yii: "Hu is dis?"
Nicholas: "Give you tips still you don't know?"
Xiao Yii: "Siapa ini? Salah number..."
Nicholas: "Nicholas worh."
Xiao Yii: " Ya la bha... I know..."

Ish... I got fooled... By a skinny girl!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

l.o.t.s. t.o. t.e.l.l.

Well, first, I would want to apologize for not updating my blog for months (the last time was 23rd of July)...

Second, I would like to tell everyont that...
I got first-runner up in the National Speech Competition!!! And, I succeed to become an MC in a programme for school... Well, I bought a new phone to congratulate myself (Nokia 5800 XpressMusic)...

Hmmm... Is there anything else I left??? I'll publish it next time...